Monday, October 6, 2008


Ok... here im to blog something... hehehehe... sorry for not been update for such a long time...hahaha... actually recently im busy practicing dance, sign language and choir for the performance on the 17/Oct. Ok back to the topics, i had viewed 马哈哈 blog and found out that he had joined the 慈济南中马生活营... i never though that 马哈哈will join this kind of camp... shock man... hehehe... Ok... actually on the 27th - 28th/Sep'08 i joined the 团康营 also is organized by our youth group 慈云青年团... hahaha...although ppl who had joined this camp only 19 of them (including me larh) but then the camp is very funny and can say from the beginning till the end we all laugh till our stomaches...

guys have a look on this photo... ok...these the 1st game the speaker let us play, at first he gave each of the groups some newspapers and gave each of the groups difference story titles and he want us to make the story by finding the words on the newspapers... jiak lak man....hahaha... luckily our groups story titles are kina easy for us that is write a love letter to the one u at the end this are the results...let me translate into english version... hehehe... here comes...

Dear My love,

Our love is just like a fate given by the god

I promise to love u until 100yrs

Wish to give a u love hug *Muaks*

Come babe, let's pak toh!


this is our group photo can u spot me there? hahaha......

1 comment:

Jeff YiFong aka 蜜蜂王子 said...
