Monday, March 31, 2008

a letter especially to u..

Hi Grandma,

We visited you yesterday...did you saw us?? how are you recently? miss us or not? i so so so miss u lerh... Tell u wat, last Saturday when i was in my office, my colleague Selin she called her grandma chat with her, at that time, it's remind me about tears almost drops i was thinking isn't it good if u still here, i can still visit u at ur house, sit beside u...have a little chit chat with u, feed u some drinks and foods like last time i do...we can also pray together, and u also will tell me about ur story...advise me on this cannot do that cannot do...i really miss the day we spend together...Selin's very lucky that she still have a grandma who can take cares of her sayang her as well...i wan but yet i can't sayang by u anymore...

Grandma till now i still miss u very much lerh...every time when i saw the pic which u and 4 of us took together i really miss the old days...i was thinking why we have to grow up and why u have to getting older and older then left us behind you, ya i know that i shouldn't think on this way cause is a bit unfair for point for u to always take care of us and we never grow up right...

Grandma, last week i had a small quarrel with mom lerh...u help me to advise her not to stubborn can or not...some time she's very nice and good but some time a bit hard to communicate with her...if you are here i can complain in front of u but then u can losoh in front of her....hahahaha...very bad lerh...

Oh ya.. grandma did u meet with uncle ah jo?? Dad's friend he also departed last few months ago forget to tell u about this news. His left in a sudden i think he also don't have any preparation and i was shock when i heard this bead news from P. sze and choice nothing is everlasting...

Bye grandma i going to stock take now... see u soon....

Love always,

Wednesday, March 26, 2008




Tuesday, March 18, 2008

害怕。。。。kia kia.....

oh my goodness....我还没准备好。。。再过几天我就要参加 leadership camp怎么办才好呢???心理很紧张。。。又要去到我生疏的地方。。。。我真的真的很怕很怕。。。心理忐忑不安。。。有种不详的预告。。。天啊!有谁能帮我呢?????呜!呜!呜!我不要去可以吗???这是不可能的事情。。。接受事实吧SPC。。。。咳。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。

Sunday, March 16, 2008

槟城游一游 day 1

旅游回来已经两个星期了。。。我的心情还未恢复。。。哈!哈!我的脑子整个都是槟城的美食。。。tambun seafood, hookien mee, lok lok, 金火锅,点心。。。天啊!槟城真的是个美食天堂。。。下一次,我一定还要去。。。。哈!哈!哈!

我还记得,29号早上七早八早从柔佛飞回古晋,回到来就是早上八点多。。。累倒半命。。。回到家整理一下行李。。。休息一下小休怎知一醒来哇靠中午12点, 天啊!我还没冲凉换衣服勒~~我的班机往槟城的是下午3点10分起飞...而且还未吃午餐...赶紧的冲个凉,换了衣服,拿了行李就去带wt,过后,我们到了玉壶轩没停派车位,于是就转移另一个地点那就是选在我老爸店后面的日本餐。

午餐过后,就去店找老妈送我们去机场。。。一路上,尤其是BDC那段路塞到不能再塞。。。YS打了两通电话问我们要到了吗?还说counter要关了。。。还好,我们到的时候check in counter 还没关。。。嘻!嘻!那时的心情跟我去新加坡的心情实在是不一样。。。哈!哈!当然啦!这次是去玩又不是去开会。。。

我和ys还在机上遇到了气流吓倒我们两个叫到旁边前面的乘客都望着我们。。。不好意事啦。。。我们有恐惧症幸运的是原本需要2个小时15分钟怎知不到2个小时我们就到了槟岛。。。还好KH一早就到机场等我们。。。嘿!嘿!朋友你真够义气勒。。。到了酒店。。。我们就开始想~ 想晚餐该舍么还吃的...我们想了很久都不懂要吃舍么,刚好小毛毛雨,我提议吃火锅...于是KH便带我们去一间叫金火锅的...很便宜啊,一个人才RM19,包括水任拿...

其实呢,我不懂这间金火锅坐落在哪里...只知道他在Jalan Bawasan, 整间店没舍么设计,外观看起来就像我们印度街,上横街的老店一样,只是他们有被翻新过.然而里面呢,就非常的简陋摆设了圆形的桌子和椅子,他们一共用了两间的店面,任人选择在楼上和楼下享用都可以,他们的食物呢就像其他的火锅店一样任我们自己选我们喜欢的配料加进我们的汤底,我很喜欢那里是因为它的是无很足够摆设很整齐而且很干净,最重要的是选择繁多...多到连我们自己都不懂得选哪一种...单单海鲜类都难以让我们选择...值得一试,试了之后你就懂我们古晋的Hornbill,杏花村比他差的远,还有还有Garden Steamboat要加把劲才能和他媲美...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

23 咯!!!




Monday, March 10, 2008

turning to 23rd soon....

still have 6 and half hours to go then i will be turning to 23rd... hahahaha...but i want to say happy birthday to shieh li first... cause today is her birthday she's older than me 1day...hahahaha...

Dear Shieh Li,
Happy Birthday to you, hope you really enjoy our yesterday night dinner, although they forget ur birthday but u still got me...i will never and ever will forget your birthday...of cause larh u only older than me 1day....hahahahaha...

Well, i know you not really satisfied with your current job..but trust all the best you can...i know you can de...believe yourself that you can fly....

Cheers my friend... Happy 23rd birthday...hehehehe...



Dear Myself

Glad that you become more mature in handling had change a lot compare to last time...i know that u still learning...but remember don't too over to push yourself...i know u might be in a hard path now and not really satisfied with your current job (just like shieh li) but give yourself more time you can do it...just believe yourself...

And I also know that you now got the hard feelings towards some one whom had done something bad at the back of you...but try avoid that some one repeating the same thing to you again...just take it easy....and try to not so close with that some one...still remember this the advise from BK and WT them...take the passed as a lesson...then you won't hurt by that some one easily...what ever that some one had said, done to you...others will found out the truth if you are really not like don't take it so seriously...just let it be...rumour will stop if it is not truth...

So reach the age 23rd soon...good luck to you in hard in everything...put more effort in everything that you are doing more good with those true friends...appreciate the friendships between you all...
